Out in paperback

Cambridge University Press just confirmed that Identity, Interest & Action, long available only in hard-back and ridiculously priced at some $130 US, now is out in paperback.  It took 12 long years!  But the price is much better — a mere $27.30 (although that’s still far too much).

This was my PhD.  I got the CUP contract for the book the same week I got the job at LSE, and the same week I met Diane.  All in all that was a pretty good week for me.

A neat thing about the paperback is that Charles Tilly took time out from his fatal illness to write a blurb for the back cover.  Alessandro Pizzorno, my beloved teacher from EUI in Florence, wrote another blurb.  I’m much obliged.

Now I’m just waiting to get my hands on a copy.

Picture of Erik
Erik Ringmar is professor of political science and international relations at Ibn Haldun University, Istanbul, Turkey.