Final exam: IPE

Welcome to your final exam! Below are two buttons. If you click on the buttons you will go to a page which has three different items on it. I want you to identify each item, but also combine them into a coherent account (hence “story”). Please write 800 words about ONE of these stories. There […]

Final exam: Story 3.

Item 1. Item 2. «بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم هذا كتاب كتبه محمد بن عبد الله إلى كافة الناس أجمعين بشيراً ونذيراً ومؤتمناً على وديعة الله في خلقه لئلا يكون للناس على الله حجة بعد الرسل وكان الله عزيزاً حكيماً،كتبه لأهل ملته ولجميع من ينتحل دين النصرانية من مشارق الأرض ومغاربها قريبها وبعيدها، فصيحها وعجميها، معروفها […]

Final exam: Theories of the state

Welcome to your final exam! First I want you to complete TWO of the three stories below. Each story consists of three separate items. Your task is to write 800 words (for each story) that connect the three items in some way. The items are sort of talking to each other, and your job is […]