McCloskey quote 2

Ringmar … devotes 150 lucid and learned and literate pages to exploring the origins of European science, humanism, newspapers, universities, academies, theatre, novels, corporations, property rights, insurance, Dutch finance, diversity, states, politeness, civil rights, political parties and economics. But he is a true comparativist (he taught for some years in China) – this in sharp […]

Goldstone quote

“Ringmar provides the most concise and powerful explanation that I have read, and in enjoyable and skillfully-wrought prose. This is an intellectual feast.” Jack A. Goldstone, George Mason University, author of Why Europe? The Role of the West in World History 1500-1850.

McCloskey quote

“It is brilliant: beautifully argued and written, and (mostly) correct.” Deirdre McCloskey, University of Illinois, author of Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce.