Arthur Waldron, The Great Wall of China, 1990

Arthur Waldron, The Great Wall of China, 1990 / / / Some Chinese, to be sure, wanted exclusion and at various time s advocated wall-building to accomplish it. But others argued for trade and diplomacy, or in effect for peaceful coexistence with the nomads. It occurred to me that rather than being a given, almost […]

13. Palestine and digital diplomacy

13. Palestine and digital diplomacy topics What is the situation in Palestine? What role does diplomacy play in solving the conflict? What is the role of social media? What role does digital media play in diplomacy and mediation? listen presentations lecture notes

Elementor #6814

“the only reason they asked me [to give the Open Day speech] is that everyone reasonable already has buggered off on their respective Easter vacations.”

Flipping titles

I had a bit of a bust-up with Palgrave regarding the cover. I thought it was beautiful and that they had done a great job coming up with an illustration, but I also thought the title was far to long. It looked ugly and was difficult for casual book-browsers to catch. I wanted to break […]

Suggestions for covers

Here are three suggestions for a cover that I just got from the art dept at Palgrave. I wonder which one I should choose? I had an idea I wanted a peaceful, pretty, version of Yuanmingyuan to contrast with the often violent content of the book itself. I also don’t want a classical Chinese painting […]

5 most downloaded articles in IO

One of last year’s greatest surprises was getting an article into IO, International Organization, the leading American journal on international relations. Now, it turns out, my article was also one of the most downloaded. OK, OK, I realize “most downloaded” doesn’t mean “best,” but still. ********** Access 2012’s most popular research from International Organization Dear […]