Forget the Footnotes

This is the blog I wrote in London back in 2006. Blogging was a new fad at the time, and it was a heady experience to be able to reach an audience without any gatekeepers blocking the way. Inevitably I got into trouble with my employer. No, I wasn’t nice to everyone, but looking back at it now (2021) it all seems very innocent really. I wrote a book about the experience, and about the amazing power of the Internet.

Dennis the Penis

A funny thing happened at work today. The most pompous of my colleagues — Oxbridge education, plummy accent — was giving a long and particularly tedious talk. Then he drew something on the blackboard. An impromptu map, I think, but at this stage I was no longer paying attention. He

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Revealed: blame the pope

Why is it that some societies are very corrupt whereas others are more or less uncorrupt? According to a research paper presented today by Jonathan Hopkin, the well-known LSE academic, it is all down to religion. In Protestant countries people are, on the whole, incorruptible whereas people in Catholic countries

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10 things I love about life in London

“The man who is tired of London,” said Samuel Johnson, ” is tired of life.” I am, I have to admit, tired of London. What does that mean? Well, of course Johnson was writing at a time when London symbolised all there was of excitement and cosmopolitanism. The alternative was

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Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. What should one make of this? Am I basically in favour or basically against? Differently put: should you rather celebrate International Quirky Alone Day or do you prefer the traditional format?

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The tragedy of political science

I’ve really had it with political science. Little of what political scientists do has any relevance whatsoever. The general public knows this only too well. No one reads political science books or political science journals and not even politicians ask for their advice. If politics is show business for ugly

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English professors

A friend of mine at Oxbridge University points out that next to all the professors in her department are English. ‘Nothing strange about that,’ I argued. ‘This is England after all!’ ‘OK, fair enough,’ she retorted, ‘but the weird thing is that the vast majority of non-professors in the faculty

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Truth in advertising

If a university education now is to be sold like so many sausages, isn’t it about time that we started telling students exactly what it is they are buying? What we need are labels on each course listing the content including the artificial colouring, the fatty acids and the possible

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Talking to prospective students

The convenor of my department told me to show up at an “Open Day” for prospective students and their parents. Obliging as always, I agreed. Only today, thinking about what to say, did it strike me how perfectly unsuitable I am for this task. The parents clearly want someone English

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Brit for a day

My wife had this idea that she was going to become a British citizen. ‘It makes it a lot easier when we get into Heathrow,’ she explained. She sent off for the papers and got a number of bona fide Brits to affirm her suitability for membership. Next she was

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Footnotes to the Open Day

OK, I know I promised to ‘forget the footnotes,’ but let me make an exception for this post. My Open Day speech comes with a few references … The direct inspiration for a speech of this kind comes from my old polisci professor in Uppsala, Leif Lewin. He had a

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10 things I know nothing about

1. … undergraduate teaching.2. … how to shut my big fat blog.3. … which side my bread is buttered on.4. … where babies come from.5. … what’s good for me.6. … how to chew gum and rub my shoulder at the same time.7. … how to tell my ass from

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