ha, ha, ha, ha

So, the American government — the George W. Bush, Republican administration — has now nationalized A.I.G., American International Group, the largest insurance company in the US and the world’s 18th largest company.  Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!  Can the Republicans now go on arguing that “the government is the problem, not the solution”?  Or will they […]

research in bed

Now I’m down to eating only oatmeal porridge — what Swedes call gröt.  I had oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner yesterday and for breakfast and lunch today. And I suspect there’s more oatmeal on the menu tonight.  A bowl of oatmeal has most of what you need for survival — stomach filler, lots of milk, […]

losing my hair

Ever since my operation I haven’t bothered to shave.  When you have a large gash going from your ear to your chin you don’t particularly feel like shaving.  As a result I’ve become fairly hairy.  It’s not a beard exactly since it’s too scraggly, but it’s definitely facial hair.  My almost-a-beard is a great source […]

week 3 round-up

The third week just started.  I have exactly one month to go.  The real count-down can begin.  I had hoped I would bounce back over the weekend, but instead I seem to be continuing down a path of steady decline.  Well, it’s far, far to the bottom.  Vulnerable and a bit worried, I keep on […]

a nuclear weapon that only wipes out Republican voters

  I’m starting to worry about Pakistan.  The security situation there has deteriorated significantly in the last couple of months.  Yes, the Taliban are on the move in the tribal areas to the west.  The country has a new, West-leaning president, Asif Ali Zardari, the widower of Benazir Buttho.  Clearly he is in it over […]

things my cancer taught me 2: I’m a wuz

I now know my limits as an adventurer.  I can’t simultaneously live on a little tropical island in the South China Sea and go through cancer treatment.  I have to face one challenge at a time.  For now, the cancer is more urgent. In order to deal with it, I’ve almost completely sequestered myself in a European […]

amino acids?

This is a jar of amino acids that Doctor Ding strongly recommends.  Amino acids help build cells and the idea is that a table spoon of this powder three times a day will help save my mouth.  But it’s not working.  Doctor Ding was most surprised. “Are you taking it in hot water?” she asked.  “No,” I […]

more water, new life

Outside of my study there is a little balcony with a mango tree in a pot.  We bought it in the flower market in town a year ago — mangoes, to me, are such a symbol of exoticism and the tropics.  Since I haven’t properly been to my study since I was diagnosed with cancer […]

it’s all good

I’m back from the big hospital in Taipei.  Everything’s fine.  Fine, fine, fine.  I wasn’t so sure at first.  Dr. Hong studied the X-ray of my lungs with great attention.  But then he turned to me and said: “the shape of your heart indicates that you have problems with hypertension.”  Now an oncologist who talks […]

man against the machine

I’m starting to really resent the linear accelerator, the large radiation machine.  There I am, strapped down, with no means of defending myself, as it circulates around my head for ten minutes a day, bombarding me with laser beams that make my throat, my mouth and gums swell up.  I leave the machine after 10 […]